Buxton pharmacy opening times for Bank Holiday Monday

Buxton pharmacy

We have collected various Buxton pharmacy opening times for this coming Bank Holiday Monday. All stores / pharmacies are operating various social distancing measures, such as limiting numbers of customers going inside and 2m floor markings to ensure customers remain at a safe distance, so it is likely you will need to queue when visit.

The following opening times relate specifically to Bank Holiday Monday on 25th May.


Pharmacy open on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 10am – 4pm

Store opening times: 10am – 4pm

T: 01298 23084

Elmwood Medical Practice Pharmacy (Elmpharm Ltd)

Pharmacy open on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May, 1pm – 4pm


T: 01298 23019


Pharmacy: CLOSED

The store itself is open on Bank Holiday 25th May, 10am – 4pm

T: 01298 79315

Peak Pharmacy

Closed on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May

T: 01298 23488

Clowes Chemist

Closed on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May

T: 01298 23218

Lloyds Pharmacy

Closed on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May

T: 01298 23411

Fairfield Pharmacy

Closed on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May

T: 01298 23019

Updated: 23rd May 2020.
Source: All information was either taken directly from each individual pharmacy and also at nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-Pharmacy. All information is correct at time of publication.

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