Council buys Springs Shopping Centre in Buxton to unlock town centre redevelopment

springs shopping centre buxton

High Peak Borough Council has bought The Springs Shopping Centre in Buxton – the catalyst that will kick-start the redevelopment of the town centre and a key milestone in the Future High Streets project.

The purchase means the Council has control of the building and the associated land and can get on with delivering the much-anticipated enhancements to the area in partnership with the local community and businesses.

The Council’s successful bid to the Future High Streets fund (FHS) saw the proposals awarded £6.6m – 69% of our original bid. As a result, the Council is topping up the total by investing a further £4.2m from its budgets to deliver improvements to the main commercial part of the town to complement and enhance the heritage and cultural offer which draws people to Buxton.

Council Leader, Councillor Anthony Mckeown, said: “Town centres across the country face huge challenges and Buxton is no exception. To reverse that trend we’re all agreed that Buxton town centre needs investment and improvement to create modern, fit for the future places for living, working and enjoying leisure time.

“That’s what townspeople and businesses have told us they want and it’s why we made our successful bid to the Future High Streets fund.

“The hard truth is that The Springs as it stands now is not working for our town and the community. Buying the shopping centre puts the Council and the local community in control so we can work together to drive this regeneration forward.

“Now that this acquisition is complete, we’ll be coming back to our residents, businesses and partners to further shape our shared vision for a rejuvenated town centre.”

Following the funding announcement at the end of 2019, over 800 people took part in public consultation events to help shape the proposals included in the vision masterplan. Stakeholders, including civic groups, partners and the voluntary sector, have also been involved in discussions since the early stages.

Schemes to be delivered as part of the FHS project include: 

  • New homes
  • New office space
  • Converting the upper floors of buildings
  • Public realm enhancements including wayfinding and street furniture
  • Pedestrian and cyclist accessibility improvements
  • Gigabyte infrastructure

Councillor Damien Greenhalgh, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, said: “We want our town centres and high streets across the High Peak to thrive and this significant investment in Buxton will breathe much-needed new life into the Spring Gardens area.

“It’s such an exciting project to be involved in and we’ve reached a major milestone by buying The Springs – it’s the catalyst for turning our vision into reality.

“These plans have already been shaped by public consultation to reach this stage and we will be doing plenty more consultation as the details emerge so everyone can feel involved in a once-in-generation opportunity to transform their town.”

More details will be made available in the coming weeks and months including information on how you can get involved in agreeing a shared vision for Buxton’s future.

The Council was supported in the process of purchasing the shopping centre by the law firm Browne Jacobson LLP.

Partner Thomas Howard said: “We are proud to have worked with the Council to acquire this key site in their regeneration ambitions for Buxton. Having been involved since heads of terms were being negotiated I’m delighted the Council has reached this important milestone.”

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