Buxton Weather

snow in Buxton
Buxton Weather
12:02 am, Jul 1, 2024
temperature icon 10°C
broken clouds
Humidity Humidity: 97 %
Pressure Pressure: 1017 mb
Wind Wind: 6 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 12 mph
Clouds Clouds: 70%
Visibility Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 4:44 am
Sunset Sunset: 9:38 pm

Monthly Weather Averages for Buxton, UK

Month Avg High Temp (°C) Avg Low Temp (°C) Avg Precipitation (mm) Avg Sunshine Hours
January 4.8 0.8 88 2.9
February 5.7 1.0 75 3.6
March 8.3 1.7 77 4.3
April 11.8 3.5 78 5.9
May 14.3 5.9 81 7.2
June 16.8 8.5 95 7.0
July 18.8 10.7 96 7.4
August 18.0 11.1 96 6.3
September 15.9 8.7 81 5.0
October 12.4 6.7 90 4.0
November 8.0 3.8 85 3.2
December 5.7 1.6 93 3.0

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