Back to School with Poole’s Cavern!

From pre-school to PHD, Poole’s Cavern has it all for an educational, fun and stimulating learning experience for your students!

Tracing back to the times of Stone Age inhabitants, Bronze Age burials, Roman ceremonies, Medieval bandit refuges, explorations in the 16th century, Victorian era tourists, to modern-day cave science in the 21st century, Poole’s Cavern presents a captivating history.

They cater for all age ranges from Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 5 with activities linked to the National Curriculum.

Their enthusiastic guides will tailor each cavern visit with your pupils and your learning requirements so whether your focus is on Stone Age, Rocks and fossils, the water cycle, environments through to tourism studies or paleo -biology. The team at Poole’s Cavern can provide a bespoke learning experience and tailor your day to meet your requirements; visits can be half or full days.

What facilities are there on-site?

Poole’s Cavern have a large car park, Café in the Cavern serving light lunches, drinks and snacks, gift shop (lots of pocket money friendly gifts), outdoor picnic area, visitor centre and toilets.

Group visits beyond the cavern

Buxton Country Park: With 100 acres of beautiful woodland to explore, orienteering trails from beginner to expert way-marked trails leading to a hilltop viewpoint and a fascinating history from the stone age to stone quarrying there’s lots to see and do in the woods.


The trails are perfect for teacher led walks to Solomon’s Temple viewpoint overlooking Buxton with interpretation panels or book a session with our partners at Wayahead Training for an organised outdoor activity.

Visitor Centre Exhibition:  Discover how our ancestors used the cavern 2000 years ago, by digging up the answers in our archaeological dig.

Please specify if you would like the use of their classroom when booking. A perfect private teaching space. Activity packs can be sent to you via email upon booking.

Risk assessments are carried out for every group and teachers are more than welcome to visit the cave in advance – please contact the team to arrange this.

Enquiries and how to book

For more information, an informal discussion about your requirements and pricing regarding schools bookings, please email: [email protected]

Provisional bookings can be reserved to suit your time and preferred visits date and confirmed by phone or email when you have made all of your arrangements

No booking fee or deposit required, we will invoice your school after your visit.

The cavern is open all year round and early evening tours can also be booked by special arrangement. N.B Discount group prices are not available for evening groups, normal rates apply.

“After visiting Poole’s Cavern yesterday with my Year Three class I am writing to let you know how well the visit went. The children thoroughly enjoyed their excursion underground and learned a great deal. They are now real geology and cave enthusiasts! Can you pass on my thanks to our guide Steve who explained things to the class so well and at a level that all the children understood. The facilities at the cavern were excellent and the staff were all most helpful . It is certainly a visit I shall happily repeat in the future.”

Andrew Helliwell,
Year Three class teacher.

Poole’s Cavern & Buxton Country Park, Green Lane, Buxton, SK17 9DH

T: 01298 26978

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