Exciting changes continue for High Peak Artists at Pavilion Gardens

art gallery

There’s been exciting changes at the Pavilion Gardens in recent months with the re-opening of the Boating Lake, a new cafe and a new restaurant opening soon. The Gallery in the Gardens is also enjoying a boost as six artists join the regular line up. With a reputation for fun, innovative and affordable artwork already established, the gallery is set to become an even more vibrant destination for visitors and locals alike. So who exactly are these new recruits?

Jo Basnett is a studio potter from Furness Vale. Jo’s work includes unglazed, barrel fired pieces with a contemporary twist, often containing 24 carat gold leaf.  Alongside these pots, Jo is exhibiting her ‘Blueware’ range, created using a mix of glaze and burnished blue slip with sgraffito decoration.

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Textile artist Tracey Coverley from Horwich End, has built up quite a following for her reverse applique portraits of famous people.  Created without any drawing or printing, Tracey creates her artworks purely by cutting through layers of fabric and stitching. As well as portraits she is currently producing textile versions of Penguin paperback and New Musical Express covers in her own unique style.

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Harry Frost based in New Mills is a young professional artist with a bright future.  Harry’s semi abstract oil paintings of the Peaks and Dales of Derbyshire alongside his beautiful seascapes have an atmosphere all of their own.

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‘Out of the Blue Pottery’ is run by Aud & Rob Ebrey and they design and produce hand thrown domestic ware inspired by 1950s style. The latest collection looks to nature for ideas and features plants and seed heads.  Plates, bowls & jugs in a range of sizes, together with teacups and coffee cans make up their range in the gallery.  They are beautiful to look at as well as being functional.


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Award winning textile artist Alison Wake from Flagg creates landscapes from thread & yarn, inspired by the Peak District.  Her artworks are hand stitched mainly using locally sourced hand dyed wool. Alison trades under the name of ‘Cognissart.’

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Buxton based artist Pam Smart has had a whirlwind start to her solo artistic career since retiring from her work as an art teacher in Chapel. Pam has already won several awards and this year will represent Buxton at an international twinning exhibition in Germany.  In the gallery Pam will be showing her paintings of buildings, where elements of architecture are cleverly combined to form colourful interpretations of local landmarks.

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Award winning artists

The group now has over 45 members covering a multitude of disciplines including various forms of painting; printmaking, photography, ceramics, sculpture, glass, wood, textiles & jewellery. And the best thing is, everything you see here at the exhibition is available to buy, so you can find something truly unique and even collect pieces by your favourite artist.

Gallery in the Gardens exhibition at Pavilion Gardens features work by many acclaimed and award winning artists such as Pauline Townsend, Jill Kerr, Louise Jannetta, Catriona Hall, Howard Levitt, Kathy MacMillan and Alison Vasey.

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If you are a local artist interested in exhibiting your work, a waiting list operates and membership is by selection. Get in touch to find out more.

If you fancy a spot of lunch or a coffee during your visit, the Pavilion Kitchen is located next door. Customers who like to buy the artists’ cards will find them in the large greeting cards rack opposite the gallery till area. With the gallery now sharing the retail space in the Retail Hall, you’ll find many local artisan producers selling bread, cakes, chocolates, cheese, coffee, gins, beers, wines, aromatics, pet accessories, books & more – so you can really make a day of your visit here.

Opening times:

February 2020, opening times: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 3pm,  Saturday – Sunday 9.30am – 4pm

Pavilion Gardens general opening times apply. Click here to see all opening times for 2020.

Gallery in the Gardens, Pavilion Gardens, St. John’s Road, Buxton, SK17 6BE

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