New ‘Coronavirus Assessment Hub’ opens at Buxton Hospital

In response to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, Stewart Medical Centre along with their colleagues at Buxton Medical Practice, Elmwood Medical Centre and Hartington Surgery have opened a brand new ‘Coronavirus Assessment Centre’ based at Buxton’s Cottage Hospital (Buxton Hospital).

The new site opened on Tuesday April 14th and has already seen and treated patients at the hub. Designed as a ‘drive in’ facility to assess patients who have potential virus symptoms but are not unwell enough to need hospital treatment, the centre is one of a growing number across the county. Stewart Medical Practice said on their Facebook page, “The centre pools resources across our local GP Practices and enables us to safely assess and treat Coronavirus patients in a separate environment from those without symptoms.”

“The hub is only to be attended by patients who have been appropriately triaged by 111 and by their own surgery first. Only those who are required to be physically assessed will be invited to attend the hub.”

The hub is not a testing facility and no tests will be carried out at this site.

Walk-in’s will not be accepted so they ask people do not attend unless they have been through the appropriate triage first.

“Anyone attending the hub without the appropriate triage is putting themselves, staff and other patients at risk so it is vitally important people only attend if you are asked to.”

“This has been rapidly put together and we would like to thank everyone involved in making this happen, particularly those involved in the High Peak Primary Care Network and DCHS who have worked so hard on this project and all the staff at Buxton Cottage Hospital for accommodating us.”

Minor Injuries, X-Ray and Maternity continue to operate from the main Hospital building.


The diagram below shows which patients will be seen, and how they will be triaged for an invitation to the Assessment Hub:

Credit: Stewart Medical Practice.

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