Chapel Camera Club – Living Through Lockdown

Buxton Museum and Art Gallery has been leading an exciting project funded by Arts Council England, which has brought together a group of local artists and creative groups.

Chapel Camera Club

Funded by the National Lottery, Arts Council England launched the Emergency Response Fund, designed to alleviate the immediate pressures faced by the arts sector in the wake of Covid-19. Buxton Museum and Art Gallery was awarded a sum of £22,500 to support local artists and performers to develop work in response to the pandemic, and to develop digital skills and capabilities to adapt to new ways of working.

Chapel Camera Club

Chapel Camera Club is one of the groups that have received funding. They have worked on a fantastic project called ‘Living through Lockdown’. The group worked remotely with portrait photographer, Emma Finch, to develop their portraiture skills and used these skills to capture images that portrayed life in lockdown. The outcomes are outstanding and the group has developed a beautiful book that captures these images. The book shows life in lockdown from the different perspectives of the group’s members, with short texts that describe their experience. Whilst our experience of lockdown is a personal one, there’s much here that will resonate and allow us to reflect on this very strange year.

Chapel Camera Club

You can view a preview of the book and order a printed copy from

Or for a donation of £3.50 you can receive a PDF version of the book if you contact [email protected]


You can also follow the work of Chapel Camera Club on Facebook here.

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