Buxton unites: Rallying to save Historic Buxton Museum – Join the 8th June gathering

The We Are Buxton Community Forum (WAB), made up of eight active groups in the town, has issued an urgent statement of action following news from Derbyshire County Council that the Buxton Museum & Art Gallery will not reopen in Peak Buildings on Buxton’s Terrace Road.

Whilst a new home is being sought for this valuable collection, and a new owner for the building, the WAB statement says: “We remain concerned that another of Buxton’s heritage buildings has an uncertain future”.

The full WAB statement said:

“Whilst we welcome the commitment expressed by DCC to there being a future for BMAG, we remain concerned that a new home is sought for this valuable collection and that another of Buxton’s heritage buildings has an uncertain future. We need DCC to ensure that a suitable, long-term solution is swiftly secured with a view to establishing a viable single venue for the collection in Buxton. We support DCC efforts to establish extensive and ongoing interim activities to ensure that the museum and gallery remain accessible to as many people as possible.

We will mark the one year anniversary with a show of support on Saturday 8 June 2024 at 11am. The aim is to gather as many people as possible, of all ages, for a photo opportunity on the steps of the closed Terrace Road building. This is an opportunity to show the strength of feeling locally about the loss of this special place, the cultural activities and heritage collections and archives that have contributed so much to so many. The photo opportunity will be effective IF we can get lots of people to come along on 8th June.

DCC has been invited to receive the ‘Save BMAG’ petition on 8th June. The photo op event will take place even if DCC choose not to send a representative.  If we don’t get to hand over the petition on 8th we will deliver it the following week when 4 WAB representatives have been invited to meet with DCC colleagues to discuss the future of BMAG. We are confident that this meeting would not be taking place if the Save BMAG campaign had not raised the profile of the value that BMAG brings to our town.”

Public gathering on 8th June outside Buxton Museum

The forum has organised an open-to-all public gathering on 8th June outside the museum, describing it as a brief moment to demonstrate the love felt by Buxtonians for the prestigious Museum and Art Gallery which first opened on Terrace Road in 1928 having formerly been housed in the Town Hall.


Following a successful museum petition (launched by Vision Buxton on behalf of WAB) that has gained over 5,000 signatures, the public gathering will go ahead under the slogan: “We love BMAG”

As many people as possible are being asked to gather on Saturday 8th June for an 11am photo opportunity.  Participants should assemble in the Green Man Gallery yard next door to the museum at 10:40am, prior to moving down the slope to pose around the BMAG entrance on Terrace Road for the photo. Children and well-behaved dogs are welcome.

Says WAB spokesperson, Jean Ball: “We are aiming for a visual show of strength with a good size crowd for the photo. Can you spare half an hour to help illustrate how much BMAG is missed and the importance of a positive sustainable future for our cultural and heritage resources?  Please come along!”

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