Coronavirus: St Paul’s Cathedral launches virtual book of remembrance

The Prince of Wales has lent his support to a virtual book of remembrance for Covid-19 victims launched by St Paul’s Cathedral, allowing families to express their “loss and sorrow” but celebrate “everything good” about their loved ones.

The family, friends and carers of those who have died of COVID-19 and were living in the UK can submit, free of charge, the name, photograph and a short message in honour of the deceased.

The project, called ‘Remember Me’ is open to people of all faiths and has received the support of HRH The Prince of Wales, who has recorded a video message in support of the project.

St Paul's Cathedral

Prince Charles who suffered from Covid-19 himself in March – said the book would help people share loved ones’ lives with future generations.

“For many, the loss of their loved ones has been made all the more agonisingly painful by the necessary restrictions on funerals, travel and gatherings. For all of us, there has been anxiety in the present as we have wondered what the future will be”, he said.

“We give thanks for how our lives have been woven together with theirs. Through this book you are invited to share their lives with others so that we, and those that follow us can all remember what has been, and build together a better and more hopeful future.”


More than 36,000 people have died in the UK after testing positive for the virus, however the total number of deaths is thought to be much higher, with Office for National Statistics data suggesting there had already been more than 41,000 such deaths by the week beginning 8th May.

The cathedral intends to create a physical memorial to those who have died, and has approved designs for a new porch which are subject to funding.

The remembrance book is now online here:

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